Minions were created as supporting characters in the Movie Despicable Me to the evil character Gru. Unlike other criminal Masterminds who generally treat their henchmen badly, Gru gets along very well with the Minions. These Minions are yellow colored pint sized, pill shaped cartoon characters with one goggled eye and blue overalls. They are created and designed such, so that they appeal to children.
The Minions don’t have any distinctive personality, but are very easy going, gibberish speaking known as Minionese characters, which appealed a lot to both the kids and adults alike. Minions have hundreds of thousands of fans around the world. They are every endearing, funny, are fond of friendship, do silly things together which make them very popular. The Minion toys give apolitical message which has certain silliness attached to it which people do not find offending at all. They manage to be likeable, relevant and enigmatic where ever they go. They became so popular that the producers of Despicable me, gave them their on movie called Minions.
Minions’ Popularity
Minions’ popularity made the marketing companies take notice of them and they were found pasted everywhere. It so happened that whatever had color yellow, became a Minion. They have a great partnership with big companies like Amazon, tic tac, converse and McDonalds, where their toys were being offered with their Happy meals. Their popularity among kids soared so much that they became an inspiration for number of products. They can be found on baby products, kids’ products and even on stuff used by adults. They come on baby diapers, their apparels and even on sippy cups and baby feeding bottles.
The adoration of toddlers and preschoolers made the marketing companies not only come out with their figurines or plush toys but got them printed on every product which is used by them. Their entire school kit like bags, pencil boxes, water bottles lunch boxes have Minions on them. The apparels like sweaters, t-shirts with a Minion message are also loved by them. The kids also like the furnishings available with the Minions. The entire room can be decorated with Minion prints, which are found from bed sheets, curtains, comforters, wall clock and even carpets.
The teenagers love their memes which has taken the internet by storm. There are more than 20,00 videos uploaded on their memes with millions of hits. They also find a place on their laptop bags, phone case, headphones and apparels. The minions have made their present felt amongst girls with their nail arts, decals and wrist watches.
These products make a good gift for someone who is a Minion fan. All these products are sold both online and in retail. It’s available on all the popular shopping websites with a separate Minion tab, where all the Minion products are sold.
Their popularity seems to grow with every new release of their film and with clever marketing we can always find them amongst us .