Picking a kind of card that you are going to use needs decision making. Of course, you need to know what does it cover and how it can be used. Mostly, people use cards because they want to bring no cash. It is a kind of safety measure rather than bringing your cash with you. Now, there are different kinds of cards out there. It includes MasterCard, Gift Card, Visa Card, and some other. But, MasterCard is one of the common and mostly used by many people today.
MasterCard Gift Card – What is it?
A MasterCard Gift Card is a kind of prepaid card that is a convenient gift option. For someone who finds difficulties when shopping for a friend, then you must give this as a gift. It is the best option for it can be used at various locations. The use of a MasterCard gift card is the same as the credit and debit card. Also, it has the same process when doing a mastercard gift card balance.
Check the balance
By checking the balance of a MasterCard gift card, you can have three options.
1.) Visit the official gift card page
2.) Call the toll-free number or customer service
3.) Spend to track the balance
But, most of the users wanted to check balance without a need for spending. They merely want to get informed with the value of the remaining balance, and that’s it. Also, users must know that some of the retailers don’t have access to view the remaining balance on the card.
Check the balance by phone
Yes, it is possible to check the MasterCard gift card balance by phone. It is the most convenient and quickest way to track your gift balance. You can see the automated customer service number at the back of the card. You will see the toll-free number and talk to the operator to ask the status of your gift card balance.
Can you take money from a MasterCard gift card?
Yes, anyone who owned a MasterCard gift card can withdraw money from the card at any ATM. But, not all the gift card issuers allow foreign or ATM transactions. The user needs to make sure to find out that this type of transaction is permitted or not.
Can it be used in a physical store?
Yes, a MasterCard gift card can be used in a physical store, as long as they accept swiping. Most of the physical stores allow this type of payment, especially those people who don’t want to bring cash with them. Also, there are those users who prefer to use the gift card directly to pay than going to an ATM machine to withdraw. Plus, for those who owned vehicles, they can also use it for buying gas.